We established this association because we wanted to develop new ideas and make them available to the seasoned veterans. We are accepting members who share a passion for continualed communication, fun activities and lot of old friends.
We are always pleased to welcome new members who bring a breath of fresh air to the group. Please stop by - we would love to meet you!
The Coffee Break
Prior to 2020, We break for Coffee every Wednesday at McDonalds located at Western Ave. and Century Blvd. in Los Angeles, Ca. We commit to maintaining the same comradery we established while co-workers. We at SBDA would like to encourage that relationship in a way that provides events and activities that will be pleasant and warm hearted. Your welcome to join us on weekly Wednesday's Zoom at 10am pst. Info on home page
To purchase by check or money order: make payable to S.B.D.A
send to P.O. Box 1124 Gardena Ca. 90249 Note: Lic Plate Frame